County passes resolution that calls for possible Alberta independence vote

County passes resolution that calls for possible Alberta independence vote


STRATHMORE, Alta. — Some discouraging words about national unity from out on the range in southern Alberta.

A rural municipality east of Calgary has passed a resolution that says if the federal government does not treat Alberta more fairly the province should hold an independence referendum.

The resolution was passed unanimously by Wheatland County — a sprawling district with a population of about 8,700 people.

It calls on the Alberta government to assert its constitutional rights by withdrawing from the Canada Pension Plan and creating an Alberta Pension Plan.

It says the province should also collect its own personal income taxes, look at replacing the RCMP, oversee its own immigration system and scrap equalization payments.

The resolution says if Ottawa balks at such changes the provincial government should hold an independence referendum.

“If the federal government does not deal with these demands in good faith; if they block, hinder, or otherwise prevent Alberta from exercising its rights as outlined above, that the Government of Alberta will hold a referendum with a clear question, as defined by The Clarity Act, on the secession of Alberta from the Canadian Confederation on October 18, 2021,” reads the resolution.

County Coun. Jason Wilson said the point of the resolution is to let the provincial government and the nation know about the frustrations of rural Albertans.

“The Canadian government right now isn’t allowing us as Albertans to fill our full potential,” he said Wednesday.

Wilson says the resolution will now be shared with other municipalities across the province. (CTV Calgary)

This report by The Canadian Press was first published on Nov. 6, 2019.

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